Topic for September 2007 Discussion group
Welcome one and all to our discussion group, and tonight we summon all of great light to broadcast this light in a joint effort to raise mass consciousness. During this discussion night you will hear words such as expansive, incorporated light, and enhanced capacity. These are key words.
Let your mind expand and hold focus for this time of revelation, that as light comes so too do actions and energies of those who oppose the greater light to come. We have called you all together tonight to give a gift to the world, one which will give a burst of light so great into the mass consciousness that this expansion of consciousness makes it possible for closed minds to open, if only a little to give to the world a gift far more beautiful than now experienced. Now we are offering you a chance to change this way your world functions. Its now exactly one day that this Apex Summit has officially commenced, but energies are not high enough, are rigid and stubborn arrogance is there, where individual countries see only their own economic rationalism as all important.
We plan to change that with incorporated light being burst into the grid system, so hearts and minds are opened to the fullness of possibilities.
Australia is a lucky country they say, perhaps, or perhaps it is placed that way to hold balance for the world in general, the northern hemisphere, and in this discussion group tonight we intend to change the format and the function to complement and structure a new possibility to be in place, so automated practises of lip service to a cause is not in place, and hearts and minds are capable of staying open, and seeing the bigger picture,
This will be our greatest gift yet that light can overcome darkness, and those who represent darkness and hold energies not wholesome will soon be seen by all as closed, but be given a chance to change their limited thinking. We offer you this gift, that you offer up your own opinions on these potentially inflammable subjects, that you discuss and broaden your own views, but also see what may be possible outcomes for the benefit of the whole.
To structure this discussion group this way we ask that each individual be given the opportunity to speak on each highly explosive subject, and to broadcast their views and energies out if coming from love, this will aid the whole, and we urge you to come from higher energies.
We ask you to try to see this potential for positive change, and do not back away from giving your innermost thoughts. It’s so important that you do not hold back on your feelings, but seek to come from a clear space. The subject areas are these so you may consider these the questions to be answered. Please don’t all say I agree with so and so, so as to avoid deep thoughts and confrontation of beliefs.
1. How can the world, countries who continue to hold each other at bay, or to fill individual needs for resources, and finance internal needs alone, how can this be done without taking unfair advantage of others?
2. When one country is seen as by all as a world power and one which is ALL powerful, how does this implication come about and remain there if not by the implied and contorted reference to power as the ‘be all?
3. How can you describe a country as all-powerful, if the fundamental values of that country are flawed by greed or potential lust for what others have?
4. How does this impact upon the whole?
5. Is an all-powerful country sustainable?
6. Is the cost of this sustainment of an image worth the effort?
7. Is there a worthy world policeman?
8. Or is there a continued view of the world with one nation pulling the strings to be seen as all powerful?
9. Is there a Messianic view which underscores the nation, which considers itself the world policeman?
10. How do other nations hold a valued stand as potential allies without in some way giving away their own values to achieve the status of ally?
11. When one nation has leaders who consider themselves as beyond laws, and when the negotiable rights of individuals or nations are unvalued where does this take civilisation?
12. What value is there to life without values, and upholding all as equal?
13. Does democratic rights mean having the right to determine another countries direction and laws?
All these are part and parcel of a much greater problem now, of homage being paid to economic rationalism, and values and ethical demands held hostage, being put on hold, or on the backburner so to speak. This Summit which takes place in Australia in Sydney, carries with it a very heavy price, the humbling of nations to appease a lesser light, economic rationalism, while the good of all nations, the laws to protect human values is put at risk.
Whenever economic rationalism is put into practice, something has to give, and in this case it is human rights and the value placed upon the environment, and there is no more crucial subject for discussion than this. We ask you to look at these questions and ask them of the general population. Put it on your website and bog sites.
Let it be that you have faith in your own opinions.
You are the shape shifters of the future, you in your formulative stages have entered into this discussion on many subjects, but by far the most important question you can ask of yourselves now is to speak out about wrongs,
14. Do I represent the mass of humanity who allow their future to be determined for them without questioning, without speaking out?
Perhaps the way to protect peace is to create it with love as the key, to look at those massive problems within humanity and not say it is all to hard, to big, I can’t change any thing.
For the period of time humanity is now entering is a trial by combat with ego’s, of nations egos, of individuals who see power as the greatest of gifts to achieve or take.
We issue you with this warning, environmentally, socially, humanity is entering unchartered waters. The problems which are created by a world of the haves and have nots, of one nation seen as almighty is to be challenged, and the under lying reason for this challenge will be that politics have gone out the window so to speak. . . . . . . human rights, goodness & virtue seen as tradeable, for a take of the power, or to be seen at side of power.
Power is there for all equally to be shared. Power as love flows from God, and no one nation is seen as almighty, noble, and beyond rules of conduct and legitimacy.
What comes to humanity is a checking system, where action brings reaction, & wrong action; those decisions which are not wholesome reap a reward, costly, sadly to many innocents along the way. We see this as a gift of love to put your views out, but try to come from love, not criticism for its own sake. We see potentials for humanity which come quickly now of your own creation, but they can be minimised by changing the status quo, where economic rationalism is king.
Balance is needed in all things, and without balance the top-heavy fall. See this please as a gentle reminder that love is the key. To share equitably with all nations is possible. To live without treading upon other nations is possible, and to avoid the future we see as developing there must be a return to the notion of the uniting of all nations, (United Nations) and if there are flaws or inadequacies in the present system, then repair them.
Do not see a world where one massive power or nation is the way, it was never God’s way . . .. A gentle hand in velvet grove is always better than to breed such hatred in the hearts and minds of those seen as less.
We enter a time where humanity needs direction to guide them through troubled waters, but we can only guide. It is you, individuals, who can actively change a world, and it is in a forum of discussion change comes. Look please gently at these topics for us and set your world alight, but with love, not hatred and envy, they are hard masters & require great payment.
Your loving response and awareness can shift the whole. Do this with total awareness you are all part of the problem, each have at times values not honoured, words not said. How can understanding come if all is not open and upon the table, it is so with nations as well?
Sandro Bottecelli, Leonardo Da Vinci, Isaac Newton.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Lord Melchizedek on Refugees
A more moderate approach is needed to be able to come up against opposition and still gain superiority over opposition. There will be times when to surrender to fear drives a wedge in between healing energies, and those energies of connection to Father Mother God. Therefore let it be known that from this day forth there will be a gift asked of each of you to sway your energies and words in the direction of planetary healing, to demonstrate as an example of love personified in the hearts of light workers. Let us say for example that there was a conflict between those of a neighbourhood, of differing opinions or religions, and then out of ignorance and a sense of separation, a bewildering set of circumstances occurs, where ignorance breeds violence.
In this situation my Dear Ones which is right? The oppressed who takes action in violence to relieve what are their own frustrations and anxiety? Would it be logical to assume that if all of society falls into fear based thinking, then violence and hatred are bred, and ferment into a concoction of heavy energies, where all withdraw efforts, conversation and help. Better it be that those who are so fearful that they would take action against the innocent say before lashing out to harm another "How are my actions going to improve this present situation. If I do not truly know all facts how can I judge another." Better it would be to shine light into darkened places, to reach out to aid, to supplant mischief and bully tactics which are the acts of the fearful with a response of "let all simmer down and truth to be revealed in all situations."
Life has taken my dear ones an unfortunate turn, and now many begin to hate and fear all Moslems. Not a very loving act is it to determine all of a religion, colour or belief system as the same. False belief in bullying to achieve a revenge mentality is not empowering humanity now. Those who throw bombs, who commit vandalism are not dear ones brave souls at all, but those very scared and running on empty. They shine not with love of God and they diminish their soul growth and soul groups as well. Perhaps the most important message to be spoken of now is universal understanding of the times you are living in. Times of stress come to all, but how many of you administer love to all as a daily ration? How many of you are so contented with your own comfort zones you are not prepared to see what is truly occurring around the world now? How many of you would rather admit others of a tried nature into your country, those financially and socially acceptable, and not accept as vital for their very survival the taking in of those millions my dear ones of refugees, and there will be millions world wide in the coming years. It's all too easy to stay in comfort zones and hold on tightly to the status quo, oblivious to the plight of refugees and the many homeless children who will walk the earth in search of love and acceptance. Better it would be my dear ones to open your doors as a country. To defray the responsibility onto other disadvantaged countries will not help you achieve a maintaining of the status quo, but only increase the chances of all suffering more as a result.
We see more than you do, and this battle of good and evil is not simply one race or religion or group against another, but the true essence of this conflict now is the great division within humanity, the haves and the have nots. It is a battle of good and evil, but how many of those countless millions of refugees will be God loving individuals simply wanting to survive. How many will not find safe passage of a shore to accept them and be left stranded and truly say "God why have you forsaken me", when perhaps they could say and be quite correct "God loves me but he gave humanity free will". The course of action of each one of you develops the future you will live or survive in. It can be one where the altruism of humanity is uppermost, where love of God and each other stabilises situations, and decisions come from compassionate grounds. We the Hierarchy understand to combat evil means in human terms that limited force is shown as a deterrent. But be responsible for the times you are living in, and don't beloveds judge the Afghan people, nor those as a blanket judgment from any nation. All are called to task now to look at your own thoughts, words and deeds.
Are you one of those so comfortable in your understanding of esoteric theories you are now detached from the realities of the time. The levelling will effect all upon this planet, both economically and socially, so all are tested as to the ability to truly be thy brothers and sisters keeper. Such a trying time beloveds but not a time to surrender to fear, for this is the evil you are fighting, the mass energies creating fear to divide and conquer. Such a time calls for altruism, love, nobility of soul, and determination of purpose. How to approach these days of confusion is to pray to God, whatever religion you belong to, and simply say "be my strength". But do not call for God to aid you in defiling of women and children and nations in a call for a "holy war". Oh no, God is not responsible for the hatred bred into the hearts of many from all nations, all religions, who misuse the word God. Love conquers all, and so does a love of your soul, one calling out now to be honoured. Honour your soul in this great time of trial by being noble, being all you can be.
Lord Machiventa Melchizedek
In this situation my Dear Ones which is right? The oppressed who takes action in violence to relieve what are their own frustrations and anxiety? Would it be logical to assume that if all of society falls into fear based thinking, then violence and hatred are bred, and ferment into a concoction of heavy energies, where all withdraw efforts, conversation and help. Better it be that those who are so fearful that they would take action against the innocent say before lashing out to harm another "How are my actions going to improve this present situation. If I do not truly know all facts how can I judge another." Better it would be to shine light into darkened places, to reach out to aid, to supplant mischief and bully tactics which are the acts of the fearful with a response of "let all simmer down and truth to be revealed in all situations."
Life has taken my dear ones an unfortunate turn, and now many begin to hate and fear all Moslems. Not a very loving act is it to determine all of a religion, colour or belief system as the same. False belief in bullying to achieve a revenge mentality is not empowering humanity now. Those who throw bombs, who commit vandalism are not dear ones brave souls at all, but those very scared and running on empty. They shine not with love of God and they diminish their soul growth and soul groups as well. Perhaps the most important message to be spoken of now is universal understanding of the times you are living in. Times of stress come to all, but how many of you administer love to all as a daily ration? How many of you are so contented with your own comfort zones you are not prepared to see what is truly occurring around the world now? How many of you would rather admit others of a tried nature into your country, those financially and socially acceptable, and not accept as vital for their very survival the taking in of those millions my dear ones of refugees, and there will be millions world wide in the coming years. It's all too easy to stay in comfort zones and hold on tightly to the status quo, oblivious to the plight of refugees and the many homeless children who will walk the earth in search of love and acceptance. Better it would be my dear ones to open your doors as a country. To defray the responsibility onto other disadvantaged countries will not help you achieve a maintaining of the status quo, but only increase the chances of all suffering more as a result.
We see more than you do, and this battle of good and evil is not simply one race or religion or group against another, but the true essence of this conflict now is the great division within humanity, the haves and the have nots. It is a battle of good and evil, but how many of those countless millions of refugees will be God loving individuals simply wanting to survive. How many will not find safe passage of a shore to accept them and be left stranded and truly say "God why have you forsaken me", when perhaps they could say and be quite correct "God loves me but he gave humanity free will". The course of action of each one of you develops the future you will live or survive in. It can be one where the altruism of humanity is uppermost, where love of God and each other stabilises situations, and decisions come from compassionate grounds. We the Hierarchy understand to combat evil means in human terms that limited force is shown as a deterrent. But be responsible for the times you are living in, and don't beloveds judge the Afghan people, nor those as a blanket judgment from any nation. All are called to task now to look at your own thoughts, words and deeds.
Are you one of those so comfortable in your understanding of esoteric theories you are now detached from the realities of the time. The levelling will effect all upon this planet, both economically and socially, so all are tested as to the ability to truly be thy brothers and sisters keeper. Such a trying time beloveds but not a time to surrender to fear, for this is the evil you are fighting, the mass energies creating fear to divide and conquer. Such a time calls for altruism, love, nobility of soul, and determination of purpose. How to approach these days of confusion is to pray to God, whatever religion you belong to, and simply say "be my strength". But do not call for God to aid you in defiling of women and children and nations in a call for a "holy war". Oh no, God is not responsible for the hatred bred into the hearts of many from all nations, all religions, who misuse the word God. Love conquers all, and so does a love of your soul, one calling out now to be honoured. Honour your soul in this great time of trial by being noble, being all you can be.
Lord Machiventa Melchizedek
Lord Melchizedek on the Soul's Journey
Greetings, I am he who stands before humanity with open arms and a heart filled with love, hoping to ignite in each soul awakening a higher purpose strengthened by soul endurance to become one with all that is.
During these exceptional times each one is asked to speak truth from the heart. To share truths openly and lovingly and refuse to see limitation. An expanded vision is offered with great love and respect for all to behold / partake.
This is the time of awakening, of realising strength is needed in resolve to walk daily the way of warriors of peace. Sounding the call, extending to all invitation to join comrades in light to bring new light into the world.
See before you unfolding a tapestry of love, as each seeks to find their own unique thread. In isolation it is hard to see the effect each soul divinely guided has, but as part of a greater picture it becomes more clear that each plays a specific and vital part in the plan. Every soul is unique. It takes courage, determination, and resolution to never give up regardless of how others may perceive you or speak of you.
It is our hope this day awakens in your heart remembrance of soul journey and the fine blueprint of souls destination. Reach out for help and assistance and it is yours, offered with love and a deep respect for those who make their way through these times. As a being of immense love, my love flows to all humanity in hope of recognition of divine connectedness being rekindled. For those seeking to become one with their higher self, it is in the way you reach past barriers of limited thinking and mind sets. It is in extending love, compassion and kindness to those who may be experiencing hardship.Lessons abound for all those participating at this time. Be careful and aware of judgment, lest you be found accountable.
The simple joys of life, of glad and happy moments are there to inspire and uplift. While others see doom and gloom focus on the light and love and healing made available at this time. With all things it is a personal responsibility of self to be all that you can be. Take time to be still and nurture those precious moments of connection to God. Speak lovingly and hasten not to judge any. Live simply honouring and respecting all life and free will choices. Be kind and generous to self and others, remembering gifts freely given are returned, and smile. Let it be said what a joy I have chosen this momentous time to be here. To be chosen and prepared to lead the way for others.
Great is the love prepared for those who find room in their hearts to receive. In all ways be true to your higher purpose relinquishing lesser tendencies to withdraw energies to self when great is the need to expand awareness and selfless giving from the heart. Let this be your strength. I watch over you and will raise you up as you reach beyond everyday thinking and behold the chalice of hope offered up with love. Awaken this day and let not the slumber dull the perception of higher calling. Unique in light and love and service each soul plays it's part. Let joy ring out to all who have ears to hear, this is the dawning of the new age. Let peace be your strength as we walk this way together.
In God's light I bless you... Lord Melchizedek.
(Message taken by Sparkles October 2001)
During these exceptional times each one is asked to speak truth from the heart. To share truths openly and lovingly and refuse to see limitation. An expanded vision is offered with great love and respect for all to behold / partake.
This is the time of awakening, of realising strength is needed in resolve to walk daily the way of warriors of peace. Sounding the call, extending to all invitation to join comrades in light to bring new light into the world.
See before you unfolding a tapestry of love, as each seeks to find their own unique thread. In isolation it is hard to see the effect each soul divinely guided has, but as part of a greater picture it becomes more clear that each plays a specific and vital part in the plan. Every soul is unique. It takes courage, determination, and resolution to never give up regardless of how others may perceive you or speak of you.
It is our hope this day awakens in your heart remembrance of soul journey and the fine blueprint of souls destination. Reach out for help and assistance and it is yours, offered with love and a deep respect for those who make their way through these times. As a being of immense love, my love flows to all humanity in hope of recognition of divine connectedness being rekindled. For those seeking to become one with their higher self, it is in the way you reach past barriers of limited thinking and mind sets. It is in extending love, compassion and kindness to those who may be experiencing hardship.Lessons abound for all those participating at this time. Be careful and aware of judgment, lest you be found accountable.
The simple joys of life, of glad and happy moments are there to inspire and uplift. While others see doom and gloom focus on the light and love and healing made available at this time. With all things it is a personal responsibility of self to be all that you can be. Take time to be still and nurture those precious moments of connection to God. Speak lovingly and hasten not to judge any. Live simply honouring and respecting all life and free will choices. Be kind and generous to self and others, remembering gifts freely given are returned, and smile. Let it be said what a joy I have chosen this momentous time to be here. To be chosen and prepared to lead the way for others.
Great is the love prepared for those who find room in their hearts to receive. In all ways be true to your higher purpose relinquishing lesser tendencies to withdraw energies to self when great is the need to expand awareness and selfless giving from the heart. Let this be your strength. I watch over you and will raise you up as you reach beyond everyday thinking and behold the chalice of hope offered up with love. Awaken this day and let not the slumber dull the perception of higher calling. Unique in light and love and service each soul plays it's part. Let joy ring out to all who have ears to hear, this is the dawning of the new age. Let peace be your strength as we walk this way together.
In God's light I bless you... Lord Melchizedek.
(Message taken by Sparkles October 2001)
Lord Melchizedek and Guidance for the Times Ahead
Beloveds with love you shall see a transition of hard heartedness and a melting down of fear initially confronted after this 11th September terrorist attack, but what was attacked was not just the centre of a busy metropolis, but it struck at the very centre of life itself, and with this one action set a precedent for all to FEAR. Fear, the need was clearly to promote fear above all, for nothing drags down energy as much as hatred, fear and revenge. All notable qualifications for justified feelings of pain and heart felt grieving, but look deeper, you will see this event set up world wide a scenario for all to fear. Listen to these words Beloveds, for they are truth set before you, clearly given to aid your remembrance of why you are here now on this planet. Fear was set in motion, but also quantified and magnified nobleness of spirit. Of a deadly game of terror did a Nation fall into a rapid response of declared Revenge, Revenge< No those who guide from the background swayed with the importance of prudence, and well met plans. Met with research and communication with other world leaders, a combined and complementary approach of wait until proven, but dear ones. I see more at stake here than a Nations pain at the revealed fact of vulnerability. I see a complex set of circumstances set up whereby doubt and fear was impregnated into the consciousness of many Nations.
My Dear Ones, I set before you this scenario, fear breeds only more pain and darkened energy, it builds not courage and a stout nature. Look at all those noble souls who gave their lives to aid others, see beyond the immediate pain. These great souls brought about changes to a response of fear, they acted out of courage, vitality of spirit, and nobility, to see the bigger picture. Many of these courageous souls, not seeing or realising every act of kindness, every courageous act, every noble thought counteracts the fear and pain generated. These great souls chose to listen to their soul and act our accordingly. How appropriate it would have been some may think to act out of revenge and plunge into despair. Not So. Clearly love conquers all.
This act of carnage will plunge this planet into a time of scenes, not all seen now. Some of the underlying factors still not contemplated by those who plan the united powers for peace. They do not see the need now to look to the underlying complexities of the motives behind such a terrorist action to divide and conquer Dear Ones, the oldest trick in the books of darkened energy . . . to divide with fear of pain of loss of the physical body.
This web page is set up to give guidance for the next twelve years to those Melchizedek's and to those who need a source of love to see them through. It would be all too easy to fall into patterns of small mindedness dear Ones and see any of a religion as to be feared. Not so, God loves all equally, and we will aid you if you are open to this to see your way through the miasma of underlying energies and heed the call. Stand Up For God. Times will come where any who pronounce a love of God as open to oppression. So see the value in uniting all energies of love, all religions, all colours, all creeds and belief systems to see the real enemy is fear itself, and those who seek not light and expansion of consciousness, but a painful slide into one pattern of thinking, while in the background the real source of this plan strives more strongly to contain nations in skirmishes and lowering barriers by focusing on one area, when the opponent is in the background funding such causes of universal strife with a plan in mind. To disenfranchise all, finally against one religion then another, and then to all who pronounce God as love above all.
We see more than you do and I tell you all who love freedom of thought and a joyful love of God to guard your every thought, word, and deed against judgment of others.
Too readily we have seen a country with wealth and space to share fall into fear based isolationist thinking and remove the rights of those seeking refuge, and have instead sought to defray their "problem" by asking other countries not as financially advantaged to take their "Problem", thereby seeking votes and using a very narrow focused proportion of the public as the reason to implement heartless bureaucratic inhospitality.
Where is love of all? How many of these politicians Dear Ones go to church on Sunday and claim to serve God, but put aside being Thy brothers Keeper, or having the courage to stand up and lead a nation?. If there are people afraid and looking for a leader and one gives them only an example of closed heartedness, What does it say of his intentions?
Dear Ones these columns will give you truths if you awaken to them, and they also give reasons why over time we call all to Stand Up For God now and move into positions within society and nations. A call to all light workers not to be armed with fear and narrow mindedness, but a cheerful disposition, and no matter what religion, if one is in pain then open your hearts to them. The implications for humanity as a whole if allowed to fall into isolationism and painful judgment of others is a pitiful sight to see for a future. You are given free will, you take your life and love from God but what Dear Ones do you give back.
America has learned a very valuable lesson. Many people would have not said a kind word to each other before this tragic episode and now many find love, honouring each other and their lives a new gift. Out of tragedy can come a wonderful gift if open to it. To take every day and love all you meet. Don't waste a moment. The energies are changing, we are aiding you at every turn, but humanity has free will to choose its actions. . . better to act out of clear mindedness and not personal agendas.
Enabling love to flow aids the whole and to the degree that love flows so you will be spared much of the pain many have seen as prophesied as unavoidable.
United Nations, N.A.T.O. and organisations which aid the united move for peace should be empowered by those very countries which have been negligent in their monetary support of such. This Dear Ones is our need, that all come together in light of cautious actions and look behind the motives of those aiding this reaching out to disenfranchise a religion. All of a religion cannot be judged by the actions of some and I tell you, it is a deliberate attempt to place Christians against Moslems, to put further conflict into the middle east, and to minimise chances of peace between Israel and the Arab world.
Love conquers all. So does truth softly spoken from an open heart. Not as many in Australia now do, leap dear Ones into fear based thinking, thereby empowering those of closed hearts to flourish, a retrograde move.
A classic move of those not open to love is to avoid all as different, to put fear into daily activities. To fear is to draw within energies, rather than expand in consciousness. It reduces the ability to effectively deal with problems, and a classic side effect of fear based thinking is it destroys economies. . . . One more issue of those promoting this war by fear. The thing to fear is fear itself.
This doesn't mean don't admit there are problems, but find working solutions, not shut down, not exclude, not refuse millions who will need help.
You are now given a positive golden opportunity to change your world, but are you courageous enough to truly stand for God by speaking out about injustices. Are you as Martin Luther King Jnr said prepared to allow the loud and aggressive to determine the world you live in?
This column will come in stages, giving information when we the Hierarchy feel humanity needs guidance past political events, social injustices and moral conflicts.
We ask each one of you to speak gently from the heart to all you meet and strike a blow against terrorism and fear by loving more. So much Dear Ones to say but one issue is clearly in my mind now . . . keeping your hearts open and reminding others who fall so easily into judgment and painful bigotry and racism, reflect to them where they come from. They may not like it, but it is a time to stand up and be counted, and Dear Ones be mindful of those you put into Government and if there are not those of courage and fortitude who stand clearly for light then see yourself as a candidate. This is a war dear Ones but it is a war of words firstly to calm the masses, to defuse pain in those who suffer so because they see no connection to each other. Speak gently, and remember every thought, word and deed creates the world you live in.
My Dear Ones, I set before you this scenario, fear breeds only more pain and darkened energy, it builds not courage and a stout nature. Look at all those noble souls who gave their lives to aid others, see beyond the immediate pain. These great souls brought about changes to a response of fear, they acted out of courage, vitality of spirit, and nobility, to see the bigger picture. Many of these courageous souls, not seeing or realising every act of kindness, every courageous act, every noble thought counteracts the fear and pain generated. These great souls chose to listen to their soul and act our accordingly. How appropriate it would have been some may think to act out of revenge and plunge into despair. Not So. Clearly love conquers all.
This act of carnage will plunge this planet into a time of scenes, not all seen now. Some of the underlying factors still not contemplated by those who plan the united powers for peace. They do not see the need now to look to the underlying complexities of the motives behind such a terrorist action to divide and conquer Dear Ones, the oldest trick in the books of darkened energy . . . to divide with fear of pain of loss of the physical body.
This web page is set up to give guidance for the next twelve years to those Melchizedek's and to those who need a source of love to see them through. It would be all too easy to fall into patterns of small mindedness dear Ones and see any of a religion as to be feared. Not so, God loves all equally, and we will aid you if you are open to this to see your way through the miasma of underlying energies and heed the call. Stand Up For God. Times will come where any who pronounce a love of God as open to oppression. So see the value in uniting all energies of love, all religions, all colours, all creeds and belief systems to see the real enemy is fear itself, and those who seek not light and expansion of consciousness, but a painful slide into one pattern of thinking, while in the background the real source of this plan strives more strongly to contain nations in skirmishes and lowering barriers by focusing on one area, when the opponent is in the background funding such causes of universal strife with a plan in mind. To disenfranchise all, finally against one religion then another, and then to all who pronounce God as love above all.
We see more than you do and I tell you all who love freedom of thought and a joyful love of God to guard your every thought, word, and deed against judgment of others.
Too readily we have seen a country with wealth and space to share fall into fear based isolationist thinking and remove the rights of those seeking refuge, and have instead sought to defray their "problem" by asking other countries not as financially advantaged to take their "Problem", thereby seeking votes and using a very narrow focused proportion of the public as the reason to implement heartless bureaucratic inhospitality.
Where is love of all? How many of these politicians Dear Ones go to church on Sunday and claim to serve God, but put aside being Thy brothers Keeper, or having the courage to stand up and lead a nation?. If there are people afraid and looking for a leader and one gives them only an example of closed heartedness, What does it say of his intentions?
Dear Ones these columns will give you truths if you awaken to them, and they also give reasons why over time we call all to Stand Up For God now and move into positions within society and nations. A call to all light workers not to be armed with fear and narrow mindedness, but a cheerful disposition, and no matter what religion, if one is in pain then open your hearts to them. The implications for humanity as a whole if allowed to fall into isolationism and painful judgment of others is a pitiful sight to see for a future. You are given free will, you take your life and love from God but what Dear Ones do you give back.
America has learned a very valuable lesson. Many people would have not said a kind word to each other before this tragic episode and now many find love, honouring each other and their lives a new gift. Out of tragedy can come a wonderful gift if open to it. To take every day and love all you meet. Don't waste a moment. The energies are changing, we are aiding you at every turn, but humanity has free will to choose its actions. . . better to act out of clear mindedness and not personal agendas.
Enabling love to flow aids the whole and to the degree that love flows so you will be spared much of the pain many have seen as prophesied as unavoidable.
United Nations, N.A.T.O. and organisations which aid the united move for peace should be empowered by those very countries which have been negligent in their monetary support of such. This Dear Ones is our need, that all come together in light of cautious actions and look behind the motives of those aiding this reaching out to disenfranchise a religion. All of a religion cannot be judged by the actions of some and I tell you, it is a deliberate attempt to place Christians against Moslems, to put further conflict into the middle east, and to minimise chances of peace between Israel and the Arab world.
Love conquers all. So does truth softly spoken from an open heart. Not as many in Australia now do, leap dear Ones into fear based thinking, thereby empowering those of closed hearts to flourish, a retrograde move.
A classic move of those not open to love is to avoid all as different, to put fear into daily activities. To fear is to draw within energies, rather than expand in consciousness. It reduces the ability to effectively deal with problems, and a classic side effect of fear based thinking is it destroys economies. . . . One more issue of those promoting this war by fear. The thing to fear is fear itself.
This doesn't mean don't admit there are problems, but find working solutions, not shut down, not exclude, not refuse millions who will need help.
You are now given a positive golden opportunity to change your world, but are you courageous enough to truly stand for God by speaking out about injustices. Are you as Martin Luther King Jnr said prepared to allow the loud and aggressive to determine the world you live in?
This column will come in stages, giving information when we the Hierarchy feel humanity needs guidance past political events, social injustices and moral conflicts.
We ask each one of you to speak gently from the heart to all you meet and strike a blow against terrorism and fear by loving more. So much Dear Ones to say but one issue is clearly in my mind now . . . keeping your hearts open and reminding others who fall so easily into judgment and painful bigotry and racism, reflect to them where they come from. They may not like it, but it is a time to stand up and be counted, and Dear Ones be mindful of those you put into Government and if there are not those of courage and fortitude who stand clearly for light then see yourself as a candidate. This is a war dear Ones but it is a war of words firstly to calm the masses, to defuse pain in those who suffer so because they see no connection to each other. Speak gently, and remember every thought, word and deed creates the world you live in.
september 11,
united nations
Lord Melchedek on the Golden Laws of Justice
Principles for Living in a World of Turmoil
1 Governed not by fear but love. In each and every moment you have the choice to come from love and not the limitation of fear. Love is the truth of your soul. Allow the energy of your soul to flow.
2 Responding to all situations out of unconditional love. Be present in each moment in a conscious state of awareness. To give love unconditionally, honour your truth and share this with other souls.
3 Truth above all to be spoken. Share your knowingness with others. If you do not share your truth with others you are living a lie.
4 Wrongs and injustices righted. Resonate with your truth and take actions accordingly. Make changes where you can effect changes. Remember the power of vision and hold hope in your heart.
5 Graceful recognition of the light in all individuals regardless of religion etc. Focus your awareness on the remembrance of the light as the truth of each soul.
6 Purposeful deliverance of others from their pain. Action is the expression of spirit in this physical reality.
7 Right living and selfless giving. Take responsibility for every thought and action. Give from the choice to love not from obligation, and without expectations. Give acceptance without judgment.
8 Acknowledgment of weakness in others and self, but love shown to overcome such. Embrace all aspects of the self with love, remembering the light in each being as the truth.
9 Love of God, and the God in all things. Reverence for life itself.
10 Rightful living means living a full life where love is shown to all, where non judgment is shown or displayed, where righteous living means also taking responsibility for the world, and changing any area not coming up to your expectations.
1 Governed not by fear but love. In each and every moment you have the choice to come from love and not the limitation of fear. Love is the truth of your soul. Allow the energy of your soul to flow.
2 Responding to all situations out of unconditional love. Be present in each moment in a conscious state of awareness. To give love unconditionally, honour your truth and share this with other souls.
3 Truth above all to be spoken. Share your knowingness with others. If you do not share your truth with others you are living a lie.
4 Wrongs and injustices righted. Resonate with your truth and take actions accordingly. Make changes where you can effect changes. Remember the power of vision and hold hope in your heart.
5 Graceful recognition of the light in all individuals regardless of religion etc. Focus your awareness on the remembrance of the light as the truth of each soul.
6 Purposeful deliverance of others from their pain. Action is the expression of spirit in this physical reality.
7 Right living and selfless giving. Take responsibility for every thought and action. Give from the choice to love not from obligation, and without expectations. Give acceptance without judgment.
8 Acknowledgment of weakness in others and self, but love shown to overcome such. Embrace all aspects of the self with love, remembering the light in each being as the truth.
9 Love of God, and the God in all things. Reverence for life itself.
10 Rightful living means living a full life where love is shown to all, where non judgment is shown or displayed, where righteous living means also taking responsibility for the world, and changing any area not coming up to your expectations.
unconditional love,
world justice
Lord Melchizedek on Terrorism and the Trials Ahead
Melchizedek Priesthood, chosen ones, shall I speak now of a time of graceful power to come before all of humanity, given power by love to transform / reconstruct the framework of given principles for living in a time of preparation / transformation into the Golden Age. Chosen Ones I speak as Machiventa Melchizedek, Lord Of Eternal Light, or to some Eternal Lord Of Light.
I speak of a time now given power to each individual to stand and be counted, and to recount these words and practice them daily in a form of graceful decree to stand before the alter of human consciousness and proclaim for all to hear, " FOR GOD I STAND".
All Melchizedek's shall now enter this time of trial- to enter into a new pathway, to challenge injustices wherever they may be. To stand for God in every thought, word and deed. To speak of the love of the downtrodden, the homeless, refugees who will by the millions be looking for compassion and love.
This is the great time of trial by combat with the lower self of all individuals, and with this challenge I call to all to arms, bear your banner high, and say of this time," I shall not forsake those suffering, I will aid, give comfort, love and nourish every soul I meet, and if my dear ones you see a soul suffering, strive to give comfort. If it is a case of a nation or nations removing love from the vocabulary, then cry loudly world wide in defence of those souls already in pain and fear for their lives.
I am Machiventa Melchizedek and I do endorse now this day my vessel Shamana to give this plea, nay, decree . . . Love conquers all.
I call to all Melchizedek's, whether it be the order of Melchizedek or the Melchizedek priesthoods, I call upon each one of you now to see your part. To stay responsive as souls of compassion yes, but you enter a time of trial. . . twelve years of intense trial where all are given two choices. To choose the light of human love against that of hatred and a loathing for any one different .
I support this vessel, and have asked that this web page be set up so all can be brought updates upon events and changes as they come.
I call to Arms all Melchizedek's to arm themselves with love, but also truth. . . for truth shall set you free.
Within this year you will see the many aspects of rogue nature break forth, challenging all democratic countries, but more than this, it will be a challenge to claim freedom of thought and religion, and as such is a terrifying force for evil. But my dear ones, as there is a force to bring about fear and hatred and suppression of freedoms for millions, so too do we aid you constantly, so the planetary energies are changing.
I speak of a time now given power to each individual to stand and be counted, and to recount these words and practice them daily in a form of graceful decree to stand before the alter of human consciousness and proclaim for all to hear, " FOR GOD I STAND".
All Melchizedek's shall now enter this time of trial- to enter into a new pathway, to challenge injustices wherever they may be. To stand for God in every thought, word and deed. To speak of the love of the downtrodden, the homeless, refugees who will by the millions be looking for compassion and love.
This is the great time of trial by combat with the lower self of all individuals, and with this challenge I call to all to arms, bear your banner high, and say of this time," I shall not forsake those suffering, I will aid, give comfort, love and nourish every soul I meet, and if my dear ones you see a soul suffering, strive to give comfort. If it is a case of a nation or nations removing love from the vocabulary, then cry loudly world wide in defence of those souls already in pain and fear for their lives.
I am Machiventa Melchizedek and I do endorse now this day my vessel Shamana to give this plea, nay, decree . . . Love conquers all.
I call to all Melchizedek's, whether it be the order of Melchizedek or the Melchizedek priesthoods, I call upon each one of you now to see your part. To stay responsive as souls of compassion yes, but you enter a time of trial. . . twelve years of intense trial where all are given two choices. To choose the light of human love against that of hatred and a loathing for any one different .
I support this vessel, and have asked that this web page be set up so all can be brought updates upon events and changes as they come.
I call to Arms all Melchizedek's to arm themselves with love, but also truth. . . for truth shall set you free.
Within this year you will see the many aspects of rogue nature break forth, challenging all democratic countries, but more than this, it will be a challenge to claim freedom of thought and religion, and as such is a terrifying force for evil. But my dear ones, as there is a force to bring about fear and hatred and suppression of freedoms for millions, so too do we aid you constantly, so the planetary energies are changing.
Mary Magdalene Speaks
Mary Magdalene Speaks
What was it then that gave such pain, but such a fear of love, of openness, compassion and goodness. Pretence has always been the mask of those unsure of love, unable, unwilling to seek such love as core intent. What came of that love of Christ, Jesus Christ, my lord and love? Did his words and mine have no lasting impact upon the heart? Shall it be we struggle to open your hearts to love as was given by my Lord, or shall it be you see me as his words now flowing softly upon the waters of discontent?
I Magdalene hurt then as does one denied justice, but not for my sake or my Lord Jesus Christ, but my pain then as now is to see such pain of separation as does keep souls apart. What was has gone, and yet his words scattered amongst time and space have touched lightly upon the brow of some, but not the heart did it alight.
My spoken words then did but irritate and drive a wedge between us, those who saw not a woman as having worth. God inspired us, my Lord and I, then as now to enter the hearts of all people, all with open hearts and minds to ease and appease the pain of separation. We sought then as now to give you love, as only we could, souls so dedicated to each other. We will serve for eternity TRUTH, that all are God's children. Spoken words do not strike the heart if not given power from my Father, and I Call to all of Heavens reach, all Kingdoms, come join me now, stretch out your wings, supplement fear with love.
My path has not been covered with grace in the telling, and more than once was my name taken lower, given poor respect and unworthy recognition, but strength be in my heart and in my words God blessed. I am to transport all now into a new framework of delight; preparing daily energies empowering love to flow. Extensions I have in human form only as scribes, but none now may claim my name. Magdalene, they say a woman of vice, or woman of divine vantage point, blessed and given noble pathway though obstacles of thought.
I stand at the doorway to say to all darkness, you shall not enter! I the Magdalene bring forth now growth from the very heart of God, as a blessing I give to my Father service now, accepting passageway is now difficult for some united not in love of life, but of fearful purpose. I give to you my Father my decree; love will shine through Christ once more.
What is it that Magdalene can give that others cannot? She has known oppression, to be despised and reviled. She has been ostracised, violated with words, thoughts, and she identifies with all those who suffer these aspects. I feel your pain. I share your life expectations and see through your fears. It is in compassion can I give you relief. It is in your denial of your worthiness can I lift you. It is in strength of courage to not let you fail I will aid my Lord, and give to Christ a beginning, not one denied of his parentage, for his parentage will not be as given. But of physical form he will come, and shall he have conditional responses to life as all do, but he is held safely in balance that he may be given of compassion and mercy but be strong in all aspects of negotiation; as open to those suffering as he is to those in power, but what we prepare for him is a clear space to grow from.
Magdalene rides upon the waves of change, she speaks of delight of service, and she is just and merciful, but I as the Goddess bring truth to the fore.
The heart rules and the head follows, but natural and deliberate in perfection is my design. We stand united now my Lord and I, and once again I prepare the way and hold a graceful space for his expansion into the hearts of man.
Truth He shall carry as His sword, and notable will be his love of life . . . all as one. Willingly do I say, I, We, hold you safe humanity lest you repeat patterns of destruction, but understand, you have free will, and what was offered once and denied you can deny again. We do not hold sway over lives.
What good will come you will create, for it is in your preparation for His coming into His power and glory that you will earn His love.
We bless you gracefully for this transitional stage, and seek you to hold knowledge of your own comfort within this existence, but not at the expense of all else. We give you a gift to use wisely and treasure it, or not.
Let not you caste aside such a blessing as does come from the very heart of My Father. Do not waste the blessing being offered to you now.
What was it then that gave such pain, but such a fear of love, of openness, compassion and goodness. Pretence has always been the mask of those unsure of love, unable, unwilling to seek such love as core intent. What came of that love of Christ, Jesus Christ, my lord and love? Did his words and mine have no lasting impact upon the heart? Shall it be we struggle to open your hearts to love as was given by my Lord, or shall it be you see me as his words now flowing softly upon the waters of discontent?
I Magdalene hurt then as does one denied justice, but not for my sake or my Lord Jesus Christ, but my pain then as now is to see such pain of separation as does keep souls apart. What was has gone, and yet his words scattered amongst time and space have touched lightly upon the brow of some, but not the heart did it alight.
My spoken words then did but irritate and drive a wedge between us, those who saw not a woman as having worth. God inspired us, my Lord and I, then as now to enter the hearts of all people, all with open hearts and minds to ease and appease the pain of separation. We sought then as now to give you love, as only we could, souls so dedicated to each other. We will serve for eternity TRUTH, that all are God's children. Spoken words do not strike the heart if not given power from my Father, and I Call to all of Heavens reach, all Kingdoms, come join me now, stretch out your wings, supplement fear with love.
My path has not been covered with grace in the telling, and more than once was my name taken lower, given poor respect and unworthy recognition, but strength be in my heart and in my words God blessed. I am to transport all now into a new framework of delight; preparing daily energies empowering love to flow. Extensions I have in human form only as scribes, but none now may claim my name. Magdalene, they say a woman of vice, or woman of divine vantage point, blessed and given noble pathway though obstacles of thought.
I stand at the doorway to say to all darkness, you shall not enter! I the Magdalene bring forth now growth from the very heart of God, as a blessing I give to my Father service now, accepting passageway is now difficult for some united not in love of life, but of fearful purpose. I give to you my Father my decree; love will shine through Christ once more.
What is it that Magdalene can give that others cannot? She has known oppression, to be despised and reviled. She has been ostracised, violated with words, thoughts, and she identifies with all those who suffer these aspects. I feel your pain. I share your life expectations and see through your fears. It is in compassion can I give you relief. It is in your denial of your worthiness can I lift you. It is in strength of courage to not let you fail I will aid my Lord, and give to Christ a beginning, not one denied of his parentage, for his parentage will not be as given. But of physical form he will come, and shall he have conditional responses to life as all do, but he is held safely in balance that he may be given of compassion and mercy but be strong in all aspects of negotiation; as open to those suffering as he is to those in power, but what we prepare for him is a clear space to grow from.
Magdalene rides upon the waves of change, she speaks of delight of service, and she is just and merciful, but I as the Goddess bring truth to the fore.
The heart rules and the head follows, but natural and deliberate in perfection is my design. We stand united now my Lord and I, and once again I prepare the way and hold a graceful space for his expansion into the hearts of man.
Truth He shall carry as His sword, and notable will be his love of life . . . all as one. Willingly do I say, I, We, hold you safe humanity lest you repeat patterns of destruction, but understand, you have free will, and what was offered once and denied you can deny again. We do not hold sway over lives.
What good will come you will create, for it is in your preparation for His coming into His power and glory that you will earn His love.
We bless you gracefully for this transitional stage, and seek you to hold knowledge of your own comfort within this existence, but not at the expense of all else. We give you a gift to use wisely and treasure it, or not.
Let not you caste aside such a blessing as does come from the very heart of My Father. Do not waste the blessing being offered to you now.
Lord Melchizedek on the Arrival of Christ and Mary Magdalene's Energy
We stand at the crossroad, a path well lit for the awakened, hence climatic changes are readable to those watching, intuiting daily directions and intentions. Today 10/6/2007 , marks the doorway/opening to shifting now into advanced thinking. Those open will experience rapid expansion of perception, to read energies, read people and the air itself.
We have guided you for many, many years, and backed off to a degree to allow inner knowing consciousness to permeate into your lives. You have free will, you are creator beings, and now a responsibility is clearly there for personal growth, but also to shift the planet and galactic energies into a new space, for too long has it been that the differential point was within the masculine movement of energies.
Now a shift occurs where the Magdalene energies are added, aided in frequency and resonance by all advanced souls; to put more energy forward into delivery of the species into a new era of peace, when the leadership of Christ to come, Christ who walks now in sheltered energies until he is ready and able to acknowledge his growth. He is God empowered and hidden from view, but to deliver to humanity a Christed child/man into an unprepared state would not work. It did not before and now would only be a repeat of past performance by a humanity largely unawakened. Energies have been given, and now raised consistently to aid all to come into a new space to receive His love.
Not known to any now is his time or identity, but know he is held safely in a position of protection, and not recognised by any now. Protected he is by an envelope of harmonic energies to nullify overly negative or masculine dominated beliefs from unduly influencing his journey.
Magdalene enters her time of preparation; she who was so reviled, has now the opportunity to bring her power and glory to the Earth plane. Her physical appearance in not necessary, her energies permeate life itself, and she bequeaths to humanity her wisdom and vibrational frequency. More will feel her presence and energy, none shall claim they are she. She works energetically, silently, to prepare the way for Christ.
We give you this blessing . . . Magdalene, and her energy taken not from the life gone and transplanted to install a female dominated space, but simply to mollify, to pacify, to bring compassion back to humanity and grace.
May the Lady of Grace bless you all with her love, she spirals energy out until sheaths of ignorance dissolve. She initiates and calls to all Kingdoms of light: Join me from on high and send energies forth in his Holy name. She, who held a precious state then at the time of Jesus Christ, now blesses all silently.
Do not wait to awaken, let your energy soar with the angels. Participate fully in world transition, awaken now, send forth your own spirals of God empowered
Light to fill the hearts of those in need.
Lord Machiventa Melchizedek
We stand at the crossroad, a path well lit for the awakened, hence climatic changes are readable to those watching, intuiting daily directions and intentions. Today 10/6/2007 , marks the doorway/opening to shifting now into advanced thinking. Those open will experience rapid expansion of perception, to read energies, read people and the air itself.
We have guided you for many, many years, and backed off to a degree to allow inner knowing consciousness to permeate into your lives. You have free will, you are creator beings, and now a responsibility is clearly there for personal growth, but also to shift the planet and galactic energies into a new space, for too long has it been that the differential point was within the masculine movement of energies.
Now a shift occurs where the Magdalene energies are added, aided in frequency and resonance by all advanced souls; to put more energy forward into delivery of the species into a new era of peace, when the leadership of Christ to come, Christ who walks now in sheltered energies until he is ready and able to acknowledge his growth. He is God empowered and hidden from view, but to deliver to humanity a Christed child/man into an unprepared state would not work. It did not before and now would only be a repeat of past performance by a humanity largely unawakened. Energies have been given, and now raised consistently to aid all to come into a new space to receive His love.
Not known to any now is his time or identity, but know he is held safely in a position of protection, and not recognised by any now. Protected he is by an envelope of harmonic energies to nullify overly negative or masculine dominated beliefs from unduly influencing his journey.
Magdalene enters her time of preparation; she who was so reviled, has now the opportunity to bring her power and glory to the Earth plane. Her physical appearance in not necessary, her energies permeate life itself, and she bequeaths to humanity her wisdom and vibrational frequency. More will feel her presence and energy, none shall claim they are she. She works energetically, silently, to prepare the way for Christ.
We give you this blessing . . . Magdalene, and her energy taken not from the life gone and transplanted to install a female dominated space, but simply to mollify, to pacify, to bring compassion back to humanity and grace.
May the Lady of Grace bless you all with her love, she spirals energy out until sheaths of ignorance dissolve. She initiates and calls to all Kingdoms of light: Join me from on high and send energies forth in his Holy name. She, who held a precious state then at the time of Jesus Christ, now blesses all silently.
Do not wait to awaken, let your energy soar with the angels. Participate fully in world transition, awaken now, send forth your own spirals of God empowered
Light to fill the hearts of those in need.
Lord Machiventa Melchizedek
Jesus Christ,
Mary Magdalene,
New Energy,
Sacred Feminine
Lord Melchizedek on Aboriginal Human Rights and Inequality
Establishing clear lines of communication is vital in any relationship, but with nations, and within nations it is vital indeed. We come to a break in our discussion program to include a topic dear to our hearts, and very relevant now, Australia and her place in the lifting of humanity.
It has come to our attention that implemented laws are put aside, and juris prudence is called into question as a nation follows along a course of action long since needed, but now called into being for all the wrong reasons. Australia has always been important for the energetic holding of humanity in a clear space, and what you do as a nation impacts upon the whole, but this can be of a negative influence, or positive, the choice is yours. You have been given free will to devise through your voting systems what is important to you... equality in all things.
Many will hold their breath in horror for the actions of the current Prime Minister who has enacted at this time in the course of history to walk heavy handed over the rights of individuals, and in this I speak of the treatment of Aboriginals. Is there just reason to seek to protect the young and innocent, yes of course! Innocence should always be protected, but as with any implementation of a course of action, there should be a clear understanding that the undertaking is above board.
Our concerns are these, we the spiritual hierarchy see that under the pretence of the protection of the innocent, a land grab so to speak is underway, where those who have been granted rights over land by right of their original inhabitation of such land should have now been given just such a proclamation. We seek to bring light to a situation which has been emphasised in the all the wrong directions, and judgement is placed across the board upon a race of people, because of the underhanded ways they have dealt with children. There can be no justification for misuse of children or women or men. But when any leader of a country sets rules for some and not across the board so to speak, a poverty of consciousness takes over. There is a blanket judgement made of a race who have already been subjected to gross violations of their rights in historical undertakings to deprive them of their land, which to them was vital for not only survival, but spiritual connection. When such violation of human rights take place there is created a negative vacuum into which pour energies not wholesome.
Aboriginal children need protection, as do all children. Aboriginal people needed help, assistance with their troubles long ago, but what they are subjected to by the enforced violation of their rights and suffocation of their rights by heavy handed policies which appeal to those of closed minds, and draws scepticism as to the purpose of awaiting seven years until near an election to draw attention from issues which were not so popular with the public.
Our concern is, judgement of all Aborigines will take place, and land which is rightly theirs secondered. Never should it be that any laws are used to subject one race or colour to gross violation of their rights. It is so important that this not be swept under the carpet and left hidden.
What can be done to aid alcoholism in their population? Can it be that there would be laws to aid those who have lost the will to live, and who after having their established beliefs torn apart are left now drifting in a sea of dislocation from the source of life, the land? It makes no sense to us that the Australian people would allow further violation of the Aboriginal people by using underhanded means to appropriate land for purposes, not yet disclosed to the public.
What should be done to aid these suffering people, already troubled and torn between white mans ways, and yet not belonging to either world. It is our belief that love heals. It is our belief that to deny alcohol across the board so to speak to a race because they are not capable of handling the vibration, is just, to a point. At what point do you work to aid a group of people? At the beginning, not wait until the sense of hopelessness is so deep the infection has set in. Establishing a sense of honour is necessary, establishing respect and a sense of place is also important.
What we see as a gross violation in this blanket judgement placed against a race of people, and for what purpose? Ask yourself, have I aided this disillusionment of Aboriginal people. Have I held blanket judgements about Aboriginies, or any race or religion?
We see some good coming out of this, help being given to those oppressed women and children, and in this it is good, but ask yourselves, could such help not have come much earlier, and with gentle care, not drawing blanket judgements of the whole? Now many are seen as contaminated by the heavy handed treatment given out, and this is a violation of human rights. Why would any leader need to draw attention on mass to a situation and bring about talk of land acquisition, however it is termed, if not to find a way of dealing with situations out of hand.
We abhore the terms given to the Aboriginal people, but we do agree that protection of the innocence of society is fundamentally important, but what laws you implement, do so across the board, not choose to single out Aboriginal people as molesters of children, and yet not see what is before society hidden behind an ugly truth, that it is easy to overlook what may be next door, or in good neighbourhoods. There is no justification for any ill treatment of children or women, but equally humanity, look at your own motives when you allow such violations of human rights.
It is indeed a difficult problem, one which defies an explanation, but is this heavy handed approach justified? Look beyond the obvious motives of protection of children, and yes all means must be taken to protect the innocent. It is such a fine line between the oppressor and the doer of wrongs if the motives are not coming from a pure intent.
Question your intent constantly, look even now at how a judgement shifts to all Aboriginal people doing this or that. Is it a justified stance to put on heavy hob nail boots and trample across human rights in just this way? Would not from a clear space a board of people be drawn from many walks of life, all colours and beliefs, and problems be noted, and a course of action be plotted out and walked gently, taking that group troubled and gently aiding their integration into life, not their exclusion from it, and the separation and desolation of spirit they suffer rubbed in.
Land is precious to the very survival of native peoples of the world, and land held sacred by them needs to be honoured, and this is a quandary, complex we grant you. We see a problem being exacerbated and made worse because the land in question has been set aside for other purposes.
Should not you then as a nation say, we are one, if one part of this nation has a problem let us help you, not cast judgements, not isolate, and not then strip them of their dignity, or what little dignity is left.
Aboriginal people hold a responsibility, they can give their spiritual life into others keeping, and see what has been taken and indulge in lesser energies, or they can say as a race, we pull together, gain dignity of soul together, and we as a whole have a battle on our hands, how to find dignity in a situation not of our choosing. Responsibility for the care of the land as with children is yours. Take this powerfully as a gift to grow from. Do not allow this to be a crushing blow to further cripple you as a race of people. You are not less! Choose to take your power back with dignity.
Assist in removing the dead wood so to speak, take this miasma and replace it with loving but powerful new family codes of conduct. Seek out the strong and worthy amongst your race and join together. Make this not a final blow to your race, but one powerful marker which says we have the power of self love enough to deny white mans poison. Alcohol was never for you; energetically it does not aide your spirituality. It is such a precious thing when given an obstacle to say this will make us stronger.
We grace you with a blessing; that which you find so very difficult now, may it bring you to greater understanding and power. Overcome, look ahead powerfully, and forgive injustices done to you. Do not hold onto anger, and turn this very anger upon your own people. To be dispirited, to allow the power of negativity to take hold is to say to Great Spirit, The Creator, I have lost faith in you. It is time to awaken my children, and take your power back, but with dignity of soul, and a gentle love for each other.
THE EARTH NEEDS YOU NOW. You are the caretakers of the earth, she needs you now. Be there for her, and for each other. Let anger go, it does not serve you now.Blessings
It has come to our attention that implemented laws are put aside, and juris prudence is called into question as a nation follows along a course of action long since needed, but now called into being for all the wrong reasons. Australia has always been important for the energetic holding of humanity in a clear space, and what you do as a nation impacts upon the whole, but this can be of a negative influence, or positive, the choice is yours. You have been given free will to devise through your voting systems what is important to you... equality in all things.
Many will hold their breath in horror for the actions of the current Prime Minister who has enacted at this time in the course of history to walk heavy handed over the rights of individuals, and in this I speak of the treatment of Aboriginals. Is there just reason to seek to protect the young and innocent, yes of course! Innocence should always be protected, but as with any implementation of a course of action, there should be a clear understanding that the undertaking is above board.
Our concerns are these, we the spiritual hierarchy see that under the pretence of the protection of the innocent, a land grab so to speak is underway, where those who have been granted rights over land by right of their original inhabitation of such land should have now been given just such a proclamation. We seek to bring light to a situation which has been emphasised in the all the wrong directions, and judgement is placed across the board upon a race of people, because of the underhanded ways they have dealt with children. There can be no justification for misuse of children or women or men. But when any leader of a country sets rules for some and not across the board so to speak, a poverty of consciousness takes over. There is a blanket judgement made of a race who have already been subjected to gross violations of their rights in historical undertakings to deprive them of their land, which to them was vital for not only survival, but spiritual connection. When such violation of human rights take place there is created a negative vacuum into which pour energies not wholesome.
Aboriginal children need protection, as do all children. Aboriginal people needed help, assistance with their troubles long ago, but what they are subjected to by the enforced violation of their rights and suffocation of their rights by heavy handed policies which appeal to those of closed minds, and draws scepticism as to the purpose of awaiting seven years until near an election to draw attention from issues which were not so popular with the public.
Our concern is, judgement of all Aborigines will take place, and land which is rightly theirs secondered. Never should it be that any laws are used to subject one race or colour to gross violation of their rights. It is so important that this not be swept under the carpet and left hidden.
What can be done to aid alcoholism in their population? Can it be that there would be laws to aid those who have lost the will to live, and who after having their established beliefs torn apart are left now drifting in a sea of dislocation from the source of life, the land? It makes no sense to us that the Australian people would allow further violation of the Aboriginal people by using underhanded means to appropriate land for purposes, not yet disclosed to the public.
What should be done to aid these suffering people, already troubled and torn between white mans ways, and yet not belonging to either world. It is our belief that love heals. It is our belief that to deny alcohol across the board so to speak to a race because they are not capable of handling the vibration, is just, to a point. At what point do you work to aid a group of people? At the beginning, not wait until the sense of hopelessness is so deep the infection has set in. Establishing a sense of honour is necessary, establishing respect and a sense of place is also important.
What we see as a gross violation in this blanket judgement placed against a race of people, and for what purpose? Ask yourself, have I aided this disillusionment of Aboriginal people. Have I held blanket judgements about Aboriginies, or any race or religion?
We see some good coming out of this, help being given to those oppressed women and children, and in this it is good, but ask yourselves, could such help not have come much earlier, and with gentle care, not drawing blanket judgements of the whole? Now many are seen as contaminated by the heavy handed treatment given out, and this is a violation of human rights. Why would any leader need to draw attention on mass to a situation and bring about talk of land acquisition, however it is termed, if not to find a way of dealing with situations out of hand.
We abhore the terms given to the Aboriginal people, but we do agree that protection of the innocence of society is fundamentally important, but what laws you implement, do so across the board, not choose to single out Aboriginal people as molesters of children, and yet not see what is before society hidden behind an ugly truth, that it is easy to overlook what may be next door, or in good neighbourhoods. There is no justification for any ill treatment of children or women, but equally humanity, look at your own motives when you allow such violations of human rights.
It is indeed a difficult problem, one which defies an explanation, but is this heavy handed approach justified? Look beyond the obvious motives of protection of children, and yes all means must be taken to protect the innocent. It is such a fine line between the oppressor and the doer of wrongs if the motives are not coming from a pure intent.
Question your intent constantly, look even now at how a judgement shifts to all Aboriginal people doing this or that. Is it a justified stance to put on heavy hob nail boots and trample across human rights in just this way? Would not from a clear space a board of people be drawn from many walks of life, all colours and beliefs, and problems be noted, and a course of action be plotted out and walked gently, taking that group troubled and gently aiding their integration into life, not their exclusion from it, and the separation and desolation of spirit they suffer rubbed in.
Land is precious to the very survival of native peoples of the world, and land held sacred by them needs to be honoured, and this is a quandary, complex we grant you. We see a problem being exacerbated and made worse because the land in question has been set aside for other purposes.
Should not you then as a nation say, we are one, if one part of this nation has a problem let us help you, not cast judgements, not isolate, and not then strip them of their dignity, or what little dignity is left.
Aboriginal people hold a responsibility, they can give their spiritual life into others keeping, and see what has been taken and indulge in lesser energies, or they can say as a race, we pull together, gain dignity of soul together, and we as a whole have a battle on our hands, how to find dignity in a situation not of our choosing. Responsibility for the care of the land as with children is yours. Take this powerfully as a gift to grow from. Do not allow this to be a crushing blow to further cripple you as a race of people. You are not less! Choose to take your power back with dignity.
Assist in removing the dead wood so to speak, take this miasma and replace it with loving but powerful new family codes of conduct. Seek out the strong and worthy amongst your race and join together. Make this not a final blow to your race, but one powerful marker which says we have the power of self love enough to deny white mans poison. Alcohol was never for you; energetically it does not aide your spirituality. It is such a precious thing when given an obstacle to say this will make us stronger.
We grace you with a blessing; that which you find so very difficult now, may it bring you to greater understanding and power. Overcome, look ahead powerfully, and forgive injustices done to you. Do not hold onto anger, and turn this very anger upon your own people. To be dispirited, to allow the power of negativity to take hold is to say to Great Spirit, The Creator, I have lost faith in you. It is time to awaken my children, and take your power back, but with dignity of soul, and a gentle love for each other.
THE EARTH NEEDS YOU NOW. You are the caretakers of the earth, she needs you now. Be there for her, and for each other. Let anger go, it does not serve you now.Blessings
Aboriginal human rights,
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