Thursday, September 6, 2007

Lord Melchizedek on the Arrival of Christ and Mary Magdalene's Energy

We stand at the crossroad, a path well lit for the awakened, hence climatic changes are readable to those watching, intuiting daily directions and intentions. Today 10/6/2007 , marks the doorway/opening to shifting now into advanced thinking. Those open will experience rapid expansion of perception, to read energies, read people and the air itself.
We have guided you for many, many years, and backed off to a degree to allow inner knowing consciousness to permeate into your lives. You have free will, you are creator beings, and now a responsibility is clearly there for personal growth, but also to shift the planet and galactic energies into a new space, for too long has it been that the differential point was within the masculine movement of energies.
Now a shift occurs where the Magdalene energies are added, aided in frequency and resonance by all advanced souls; to put more energy forward into delivery of the species into a new era of peace, when the leadership of Christ to come, Christ who walks now in sheltered energies until he is ready and able to acknowledge his growth. He is God empowered and hidden from view, but to deliver to humanity a Christed child/man into an unprepared state would not work. It did not before and now would only be a repeat of past performance by a humanity largely unawakened. Energies have been given, and now raised consistently to aid all to come into a new space to receive His love.
Not known to any now is his time or identity, but know he is held safely in a position of protection, and not recognised by any now. Protected he is by an envelope of harmonic energies to nullify overly negative or masculine dominated beliefs from unduly influencing his journey.
Magdalene enters her time of preparation; she who was so reviled, has now the opportunity to bring her power and glory to the Earth plane. Her physical appearance in not necessary, her energies permeate life itself, and she bequeaths to humanity her wisdom and vibrational frequency. More will feel her presence and energy, none shall claim they are she. She works energetically, silently, to prepare the way for Christ.
We give you this blessing . . . Magdalene, and her energy taken not from the life gone and transplanted to install a female dominated space, but simply to mollify, to pacify, to bring compassion back to humanity and grace.
May the Lady of Grace bless you all with her love, she spirals energy out until sheaths of ignorance dissolve. She initiates and calls to all Kingdoms of light: Join me from on high and send energies forth in his Holy name. She, who held a precious state then at the time of Jesus Christ, now blesses all silently.
Do not wait to awaken, let your energy soar with the angels. Participate fully in world transition, awaken now, send forth your own spirals of God empowered
Light to fill the hearts of those in need.
Lord Machiventa Melchizedek

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