Beloveds with love you shall see a transition of hard heartedness and a melting down of fear initially confronted after this 11th September terrorist attack, but what was attacked was not just the centre of a busy metropolis, but it struck at the very centre of life itself, and with this one action set a precedent for all to FEAR. Fear, the need was clearly to promote fear above all, for nothing drags down energy as much as hatred, fear and revenge. All notable qualifications for justified feelings of pain and heart felt grieving, but look deeper, you will see this event set up world wide a scenario for all to fear. Listen to these words Beloveds, for they are truth set before you, clearly given to aid your remembrance of why you are here now on this planet. Fear was set in motion, but also quantified and magnified nobleness of spirit. Of a deadly game of terror did a Nation fall into a rapid response of declared Revenge, Revenge< No those who guide from the background swayed with the importance of prudence, and well met plans. Met with research and communication with other world leaders, a combined and complementary approach of wait until proven, but dear ones. I see more at stake here than a Nations pain at the revealed fact of vulnerability. I see a complex set of circumstances set up whereby doubt and fear was impregnated into the consciousness of many Nations.
My Dear Ones, I set before you this scenario, fear breeds only more pain and darkened energy, it builds not courage and a stout nature. Look at all those noble souls who gave their lives to aid others, see beyond the immediate pain. These great souls brought about changes to a response of fear, they acted out of courage, vitality of spirit, and nobility, to see the bigger picture. Many of these courageous souls, not seeing or realising every act of kindness, every courageous act, every noble thought counteracts the fear and pain generated. These great souls chose to listen to their soul and act our accordingly. How appropriate it would have been some may think to act out of revenge and plunge into despair. Not So. Clearly love conquers all.
This act of carnage will plunge this planet into a time of scenes, not all seen now. Some of the underlying factors still not contemplated by those who plan the united powers for peace. They do not see the need now to look to the underlying complexities of the motives behind such a terrorist action to divide and conquer Dear Ones, the oldest trick in the books of darkened energy . . . to divide with fear of pain of loss of the physical body.
This web page is set up to give guidance for the next twelve years to those Melchizedek's and to those who need a source of love to see them through. It would be all too easy to fall into patterns of small mindedness dear Ones and see any of a religion as to be feared. Not so, God loves all equally, and we will aid you if you are open to this to see your way through the miasma of underlying energies and heed the call. Stand Up For God. Times will come where any who pronounce a love of God as open to oppression. So see the value in uniting all energies of love, all religions, all colours, all creeds and belief systems to see the real enemy is fear itself, and those who seek not light and expansion of consciousness, but a painful slide into one pattern of thinking, while in the background the real source of this plan strives more strongly to contain nations in skirmishes and lowering barriers by focusing on one area, when the opponent is in the background funding such causes of universal strife with a plan in mind. To disenfranchise all, finally against one religion then another, and then to all who pronounce God as love above all.
We see more than you do and I tell you all who love freedom of thought and a joyful love of God to guard your every thought, word, and deed against judgment of others.
Too readily we have seen a country with wealth and space to share fall into fear based isolationist thinking and remove the rights of those seeking refuge, and have instead sought to defray their "problem" by asking other countries not as financially advantaged to take their "Problem", thereby seeking votes and using a very narrow focused proportion of the public as the reason to implement heartless bureaucratic inhospitality.
Where is love of all? How many of these politicians Dear Ones go to church on Sunday and claim to serve God, but put aside being Thy brothers Keeper, or having the courage to stand up and lead a nation?. If there are people afraid and looking for a leader and one gives them only an example of closed heartedness, What does it say of his intentions?
Dear Ones these columns will give you truths if you awaken to them, and they also give reasons why over time we call all to Stand Up For God now and move into positions within society and nations. A call to all light workers not to be armed with fear and narrow mindedness, but a cheerful disposition, and no matter what religion, if one is in pain then open your hearts to them. The implications for humanity as a whole if allowed to fall into isolationism and painful judgment of others is a pitiful sight to see for a future. You are given free will, you take your life and love from God but what Dear Ones do you give back.
America has learned a very valuable lesson. Many people would have not said a kind word to each other before this tragic episode and now many find love, honouring each other and their lives a new gift. Out of tragedy can come a wonderful gift if open to it. To take every day and love all you meet. Don't waste a moment. The energies are changing, we are aiding you at every turn, but humanity has free will to choose its actions. . . better to act out of clear mindedness and not personal agendas.
Enabling love to flow aids the whole and to the degree that love flows so you will be spared much of the pain many have seen as prophesied as unavoidable.
United Nations, N.A.T.O. and organisations which aid the united move for peace should be empowered by those very countries which have been negligent in their monetary support of such. This Dear Ones is our need, that all come together in light of cautious actions and look behind the motives of those aiding this reaching out to disenfranchise a religion. All of a religion cannot be judged by the actions of some and I tell you, it is a deliberate attempt to place Christians against Moslems, to put further conflict into the middle east, and to minimise chances of peace between Israel and the Arab world.
Love conquers all. So does truth softly spoken from an open heart. Not as many in Australia now do, leap dear Ones into fear based thinking, thereby empowering those of closed hearts to flourish, a retrograde move.
A classic move of those not open to love is to avoid all as different, to put fear into daily activities. To fear is to draw within energies, rather than expand in consciousness. It reduces the ability to effectively deal with problems, and a classic side effect of fear based thinking is it destroys economies. . . . One more issue of those promoting this war by fear. The thing to fear is fear itself.
This doesn't mean don't admit there are problems, but find working solutions, not shut down, not exclude, not refuse millions who will need help.
You are now given a positive golden opportunity to change your world, but are you courageous enough to truly stand for God by speaking out about injustices. Are you as Martin Luther King Jnr said prepared to allow the loud and aggressive to determine the world you live in?
This column will come in stages, giving information when we the Hierarchy feel humanity needs guidance past political events, social injustices and moral conflicts.
We ask each one of you to speak gently from the heart to all you meet and strike a blow against terrorism and fear by loving more. So much Dear Ones to say but one issue is clearly in my mind now . . . keeping your hearts open and reminding others who fall so easily into judgment and painful bigotry and racism, reflect to them where they come from. They may not like it, but it is a time to stand up and be counted, and Dear Ones be mindful of those you put into Government and if there are not those of courage and fortitude who stand clearly for light then see yourself as a candidate. This is a war dear Ones but it is a war of words firstly to calm the masses, to defuse pain in those who suffer so because they see no connection to each other. Speak gently, and remember every thought, word and deed creates the world you live in.
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