Thursday, September 6, 2007

Lord Melchizedek on Refugees

A more moderate approach is needed to be able to come up against opposition and still gain superiority over opposition. There will be times when to surrender to fear drives a wedge in between healing energies, and those energies of connection to Father Mother God. Therefore let it be known that from this day forth there will be a gift asked of each of you to sway your energies and words in the direction of planetary healing, to demonstrate as an example of love personified in the hearts of light workers. Let us say for example that there was a conflict between those of a neighbourhood, of differing opinions or religions, and then out of ignorance and a sense of separation, a bewildering set of circumstances occurs, where ignorance breeds violence.
In this situation my Dear Ones which is right? The oppressed who takes action in violence to relieve what are their own frustrations and anxiety? Would it be logical to assume that if all of society falls into fear based thinking, then violence and hatred are bred, and ferment into a concoction of heavy energies, where all withdraw efforts, conversation and help. Better it be that those who are so fearful that they would take action against the innocent say before lashing out to harm another "How are my actions going to improve this present situation. If I do not truly know all facts how can I judge another." Better it would be to shine light into darkened places, to reach out to aid, to supplant mischief and bully tactics which are the acts of the fearful with a response of "let all simmer down and truth to be revealed in all situations."
Life has taken my dear ones an unfortunate turn, and now many begin to hate and fear all Moslems. Not a very loving act is it to determine all of a religion, colour or belief system as the same. False belief in bullying to achieve a revenge mentality is not empowering humanity now. Those who throw bombs, who commit vandalism are not dear ones brave souls at all, but those very scared and running on empty. They shine not with love of God and they diminish their soul growth and soul groups as well. Perhaps the most important message to be spoken of now is universal understanding of the times you are living in. Times of stress come to all, but how many of you administer love to all as a daily ration? How many of you are so contented with your own comfort zones you are not prepared to see what is truly occurring around the world now? How many of you would rather admit others of a tried nature into your country, those financially and socially acceptable, and not accept as vital for their very survival the taking in of those millions my dear ones of refugees, and there will be millions world wide in the coming years. It's all too easy to stay in comfort zones and hold on tightly to the status quo, oblivious to the plight of refugees and the many homeless children who will walk the earth in search of love and acceptance. Better it would be my dear ones to open your doors as a country. To defray the responsibility onto other disadvantaged countries will not help you achieve a maintaining of the status quo, but only increase the chances of all suffering more as a result.
We see more than you do, and this battle of good and evil is not simply one race or religion or group against another, but the true essence of this conflict now is the great division within humanity, the haves and the have nots. It is a battle of good and evil, but how many of those countless millions of refugees will be God loving individuals simply wanting to survive. How many will not find safe passage of a shore to accept them and be left stranded and truly say "God why have you forsaken me", when perhaps they could say and be quite correct "God loves me but he gave humanity free will". The course of action of each one of you develops the future you will live or survive in. It can be one where the altruism of humanity is uppermost, where love of God and each other stabilises situations, and decisions come from compassionate grounds. We the Hierarchy understand to combat evil means in human terms that limited force is shown as a deterrent. But be responsible for the times you are living in, and don't beloveds judge the Afghan people, nor those as a blanket judgment from any nation. All are called to task now to look at your own thoughts, words and deeds.
Are you one of those so comfortable in your understanding of esoteric theories you are now detached from the realities of the time. The levelling will effect all upon this planet, both economically and socially, so all are tested as to the ability to truly be thy brothers and sisters keeper. Such a trying time beloveds but not a time to surrender to fear, for this is the evil you are fighting, the mass energies creating fear to divide and conquer. Such a time calls for altruism, love, nobility of soul, and determination of purpose. How to approach these days of confusion is to pray to God, whatever religion you belong to, and simply say "be my strength". But do not call for God to aid you in defiling of women and children and nations in a call for a "holy war". Oh no, God is not responsible for the hatred bred into the hearts of many from all nations, all religions, who misuse the word God. Love conquers all, and so does a love of your soul, one calling out now to be honoured. Honour your soul in this great time of trial by being noble, being all you can be.
Lord Machiventa Melchizedek

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