Melchizedek Priesthood, chosen ones, shall I speak now of a time of graceful power to come before all of humanity, given power by love to transform / reconstruct the framework of given principles for living in a time of preparation / transformation into the Golden Age. Chosen Ones I speak as Machiventa Melchizedek, Lord Of Eternal Light, or to some Eternal Lord Of Light.
I speak of a time now given power to each individual to stand and be counted, and to recount these words and practice them daily in a form of graceful decree to stand before the alter of human consciousness and proclaim for all to hear, " FOR GOD I STAND".
All Melchizedek's shall now enter this time of trial- to enter into a new pathway, to challenge injustices wherever they may be. To stand for God in every thought, word and deed. To speak of the love of the downtrodden, the homeless, refugees who will by the millions be looking for compassion and love.
This is the great time of trial by combat with the lower self of all individuals, and with this challenge I call to all to arms, bear your banner high, and say of this time," I shall not forsake those suffering, I will aid, give comfort, love and nourish every soul I meet, and if my dear ones you see a soul suffering, strive to give comfort. If it is a case of a nation or nations removing love from the vocabulary, then cry loudly world wide in defence of those souls already in pain and fear for their lives.
I am Machiventa Melchizedek and I do endorse now this day my vessel Shamana to give this plea, nay, decree . . . Love conquers all.
I call to all Melchizedek's, whether it be the order of Melchizedek or the Melchizedek priesthoods, I call upon each one of you now to see your part. To stay responsive as souls of compassion yes, but you enter a time of trial. . . twelve years of intense trial where all are given two choices. To choose the light of human love against that of hatred and a loathing for any one different .
I support this vessel, and have asked that this web page be set up so all can be brought updates upon events and changes as they come.
I call to Arms all Melchizedek's to arm themselves with love, but also truth. . . for truth shall set you free.
Within this year you will see the many aspects of rogue nature break forth, challenging all democratic countries, but more than this, it will be a challenge to claim freedom of thought and religion, and as such is a terrifying force for evil. But my dear ones, as there is a force to bring about fear and hatred and suppression of freedoms for millions, so too do we aid you constantly, so the planetary energies are changing.
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