Thursday, September 6, 2007

Lord Melchizedek on Aboriginal Human Rights and Inequality

Establishing clear lines of communication is vital in any relationship, but with nations, and within nations it is vital indeed. We come to a break in our discussion program to include a topic dear to our hearts, and very relevant now, Australia and her place in the lifting of humanity.
It has come to our attention that implemented laws are put aside, and juris prudence is called into question as a nation follows along a course of action long since needed, but now called into being for all the wrong reasons. Australia has always been important for the energetic holding of humanity in a clear space, and what you do as a nation impacts upon the whole, but this can be of a negative influence, or positive, the choice is yours. You have been given free will to devise through your voting systems what is important to you... equality in all things.
Many will hold their breath in horror for the actions of the current Prime Minister who has enacted at this time in the course of history to walk heavy handed over the rights of individuals, and in this I speak of the treatment of Aboriginals. Is there just reason to seek to protect the young and innocent, yes of course! Innocence should always be protected, but as with any implementation of a course of action, there should be a clear understanding that the undertaking is above board.
Our concerns are these, we the spiritual hierarchy see that under the pretence of the protection of the innocent, a land grab so to speak is underway, where those who have been granted rights over land by right of their original inhabitation of such land should have now been given just such a proclamation. We seek to bring light to a situation which has been emphasised in the all the wrong directions, and judgement is placed across the board upon a race of people, because of the underhanded ways they have dealt with children. There can be no justification for misuse of children or women or men. But when any leader of a country sets rules for some and not across the board so to speak, a poverty of consciousness takes over. There is a blanket judgement made of a race who have already been subjected to gross violations of their rights in historical undertakings to deprive them of their land, which to them was vital for not only survival, but spiritual connection. When such violation of human rights take place there is created a negative vacuum into which pour energies not wholesome.
Aboriginal children need protection, as do all children. Aboriginal people needed help, assistance with their troubles long ago, but what they are subjected to by the enforced violation of their rights and suffocation of their rights by heavy handed policies which appeal to those of closed minds, and draws scepticism as to the purpose of awaiting seven years until near an election to draw attention from issues which were not so popular with the public.
Our concern is, judgement of all Aborigines will take place, and land which is rightly theirs secondered. Never should it be that any laws are used to subject one race or colour to gross violation of their rights. It is so important that this not be swept under the carpet and left hidden.
What can be done to aid alcoholism in their population? Can it be that there would be laws to aid those who have lost the will to live, and who after having their established beliefs torn apart are left now drifting in a sea of dislocation from the source of life, the land? It makes no sense to us that the Australian people would allow further violation of the Aboriginal people by using underhanded means to appropriate land for purposes, not yet disclosed to the public.
What should be done to aid these suffering people, already troubled and torn between white mans ways, and yet not belonging to either world. It is our belief that love heals. It is our belief that to deny alcohol across the board so to speak to a race because they are not capable of handling the vibration, is just, to a point. At what point do you work to aid a group of people? At the beginning, not wait until the sense of hopelessness is so deep the infection has set in. Establishing a sense of honour is necessary, establishing respect and a sense of place is also important.
What we see as a gross violation in this blanket judgement placed against a race of people, and for what purpose? Ask yourself, have I aided this disillusionment of Aboriginal people. Have I held blanket judgements about Aboriginies, or any race or religion?
We see some good coming out of this, help being given to those oppressed women and children, and in this it is good, but ask yourselves, could such help not have come much earlier, and with gentle care, not drawing blanket judgements of the whole? Now many are seen as contaminated by the heavy handed treatment given out, and this is a violation of human rights. Why would any leader need to draw attention on mass to a situation and bring about talk of land acquisition, however it is termed, if not to find a way of dealing with situations out of hand.
We abhore the terms given to the Aboriginal people, but we do agree that protection of the innocence of society is fundamentally important, but what laws you implement, do so across the board, not choose to single out Aboriginal people as molesters of children, and yet not see what is before society hidden behind an ugly truth, that it is easy to overlook what may be next door, or in good neighbourhoods. There is no justification for any ill treatment of children or women, but equally humanity, look at your own motives when you allow such violations of human rights.
It is indeed a difficult problem, one which defies an explanation, but is this heavy handed approach justified? Look beyond the obvious motives of protection of children, and yes all means must be taken to protect the innocent. It is such a fine line between the oppressor and the doer of wrongs if the motives are not coming from a pure intent.
Question your intent constantly, look even now at how a judgement shifts to all Aboriginal people doing this or that. Is it a justified stance to put on heavy hob nail boots and trample across human rights in just this way? Would not from a clear space a board of people be drawn from many walks of life, all colours and beliefs, and problems be noted, and a course of action be plotted out and walked gently, taking that group troubled and gently aiding their integration into life, not their exclusion from it, and the separation and desolation of spirit they suffer rubbed in.
Land is precious to the very survival of native peoples of the world, and land held sacred by them needs to be honoured, and this is a quandary, complex we grant you. We see a problem being exacerbated and made worse because the land in question has been set aside for other purposes.

Should not you then as a nation say, we are one, if one part of this nation has a problem let us help you, not cast judgements, not isolate, and not then strip them of their dignity, or what little dignity is left.
Aboriginal people hold a responsibility, they can give their spiritual life into others keeping, and see what has been taken and indulge in lesser energies, or they can say as a race, we pull together, gain dignity of soul together, and we as a whole have a battle on our hands, how to find dignity in a situation not of our choosing. Responsibility for the care of the land as with children is yours. Take this powerfully as a gift to grow from. Do not allow this to be a crushing blow to further cripple you as a race of people. You are not less! Choose to take your power back with dignity.
Assist in removing the dead wood so to speak, take this miasma and replace it with loving but powerful new family codes of conduct. Seek out the strong and worthy amongst your race and join together. Make this not a final blow to your race, but one powerful marker which says we have the power of self love enough to deny white mans poison. Alcohol was never for you; energetically it does not aide your spirituality. It is such a precious thing when given an obstacle to say this will make us stronger.
We grace you with a blessing; that which you find so very difficult now, may it bring you to greater understanding and power. Overcome, look ahead powerfully, and forgive injustices done to you. Do not hold onto anger, and turn this very anger upon your own people. To be dispirited, to allow the power of negativity to take hold is to say to Great Spirit, The Creator, I have lost faith in you. It is time to awaken my children, and take your power back, but with dignity of soul, and a gentle love for each other.
THE EARTH NEEDS YOU NOW. You are the caretakers of the earth, she needs you now. Be there for her, and for each other. Let anger go, it does not serve you now.Blessings

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