Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Guidance for World Economic Recovery-Barack Obama/ Lincoln Returned

Guidance For World Economic Recovery- Barak Obama/ Lincoln Returned.

Discrimination is by far the most divisive of energies and with the coming years you will be asked by your soul to challenge yourself to look at and remove discrimination.

America made huge moves forward in voting in Barack Obama, but there is still a long way to go with removing this energy from humanities mind-set. You have now a President in America voted for by those whose consciousness have shifted enough to see that openness, oneness and inclusiveness is all that is valued, and it should be valued. You America have shifted, and in fact the world is shifting, but there is so much more to do; in Africa that war torn continent which causes more internal strife at the moment than others wish to acknowledge needs assistance, and it is in the throes of weeding out those extremists who use hate as a weapon to suppress and kill, rape and maim the innocent.

We who represent the Great White Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light do care very much what happens and when, and we urge you all to now acknowledge this great and momentous shift in consciousness, but also see there is so much more to do to eliminate this from the mindset of Countries. All countries have to some degree discrimination strongly there, but the good news is this movement to love has gained momentum and grows so fast that it will not be stopped, but let me tell you what we feel is needed to continue this shift of consciousness and speed up the recovery of energies in Africa.

We feel there needs to be an economic package developed whereby more aid is given with infrastructure, as an attempt to aid self rule and empowerment of the African people who have been submitted to denial by wealthier countries. When countries are experiencing extreme poverty and lack of food, discrimination is also in force when no aid is sent. It is a case of empower the people, feed them, yes, and empower them with not only food but also self-pride with an infrastructure and the ability to lift their heads. All can benefit and the needless slaughter of innocents will end.

Tyrants have existed over time, but they always fall, whether it is in a short expanse of time or long depends upon how compassionate are others who see their problems and find ways to aid the people suffering, irrespective of the political slant of leaders, and even in the case of where a tyrant runs roughshod over his country. There are ways to empower the people without increasing violence. Love and benevolent views of their needs would help.

One who holds power by way of military might and creates fear will fall to his own actions, those who are within his own party will take the lead by peaceful means, and then we urge all nations to aid each other, to not exclude countries suffering now because of economic woes affecting the whole.

If you saw money as energy, and all exchanged energies out of love this does not have to be as serious as the circumstances indicate it will be.

I have asked to speak to you now through this vessel, because we see that not only the environment and economy is important now, but also how you respond to each other. If there is a global concentration upon setting up a more fair system for economies then this would flow on, would begin to ease political tensions in countries where strife is rampant and hatred has turned into a way of life. Treating others with respect is part of the survival package you as humanity have at your disposal, that and knowledge all needs to be seen now as part of the economic management package. Not just look at the individual, but how equality affects the whole. What you have now is a golden opportunity, one with great implications, and disastrous would be that outlook of excluding those seen now as in poverty and having no say in the healing process.

Your world exists because you create it the way you want it, and instrumental in this present economic and environmental crisis is greed, greed for resources and greed for power.

A wonderful thing has occurred; a fresh breeze has entered into the political arena. A man has taken office who does respect all people, and we ask you to see this man as our choice, he has the potential to do great good, but he needs your help, each and every person on his planet to keep this consciousness raising, and aid it to continue, to see how you can help by letting go of any discriminations of race, colour, religion and economic snobbery.

Those who are experiencing poverty are not less than you; they are in fact brave souls who have come at a time and place to reflect to you wealthier nations a lesson. For they give you a gift at great sacrifice to themselves, they reflect to you the profound privilege of living in better circumstances, and the challenge is, do you see this reflection and honour it and say ‘yes I see how inequality really makes us all disempowered’? It is a dilemma which many have fought with for centuries, how to respond to those less well off than you. Oh, many have responded with holding on tightly and not seeing the gift of love that can be offered, and some wise souls say ‘this isn’t right, let us address inequality now’! Our advice is humanity, take this golden opportunity to look at global economic problems not with closed view and hoard or pull away, but see an expansive view.

See that all can benefit from a redistribution of wealth. It is called loving compassion, and it empowers the whole.

Abraham Lincoln has returned and in new form, he comes to aid a world in distress but he can only succeed with your help, all nations pulling together and forgetting barriers and old hurts. It is the only way to peaceful coexistence, and it is preparing the way for Christ.


Sandro Botticelli.

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